Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Faithful to the Scriptures and true to the reformed faith, the PCA and our church are also obedient to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. The missionaries we support are involved not only in evangelism and church planting, but also in various other ministries such as leadership and community development, educational and campus ministries, disability and special needs care, counseling, and acts of service and mercy.

Active Mission Support

John and Cathy Rug

John and Cathy work with Mission to the World in Chile.

Chris and Mary Granberry

Chris and Mary work with Sacred Road Ministries.

Joshua and Ruth Tsavatewa

Joshua and Ruth also work with Sacred Road Ministries.

Drew and Jessica Burdette

Drew and Jessica work with Reformed University Fellowship at Boise State University.

Tommy and Christina Hannah

Tommy and Christina work with Reformed University Fellowship at Western Washington University.

David and Krista Birnie

David and Krista work with Reformed University Fellowship at the University of Washington.

Encourage our active missionaries

Write and encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.